澳大利亚格里菲斯大学Ljubo Vlacic教授即将做客“钱学森国际杰出科学家系列讲座”

日期:2018-08-29 15:54

2018年第五期(总第二十九期)“钱学森国际杰出科学家系列讲座”将于9月5日在中科院自动化研究所举办。本期讲座邀请到澳大利亚格里菲斯大学Ljubo Vlacic教授作题为“Inventing the Future: Supremacy of Control & Decision Making Systems”的报告。报告将着眼于展示在创造社会所需工具时的反馈力量和其基础理论,它强调了控制系统理论的优点,而这种优点不仅会改变未来,更会创造未来。Ljubo Vlacic教授将反思控制系统和人工智能之间的协同作用,并将它们视为几乎每个智能系统和支撑工程控制论的两个基本和互补的组成部分。


Ljubo Vlacic是格里菲斯大学综合与智能系统研究所的教授。他是一位控制系统科学家和实践者,以对无人驾驶车辆和智能控制系统研究与开发的贡献而闻名。他的研究成果经常登上新闻头条,并在全球媒体传播。他在工业界和学术界担任多个领导者的职务。为表彰他的成就,他获得了IEEE成就奖(全球),Lionel Hooke爵士奖,昆士兰年度专业工程师奖和黄金海岸商业活动大使奖等19个奖项。他主持过10次国家和国际科学会议。目前,Ljubo Vlacic担任:(i)IEEE智能交通系统杂志总编辑;(ii)澳洲工程师学院董事会主席;(iii)昆士兰IET网络主席;(iv)2019 IEEE智能交通系统会议ITSC2019总主席。并且他还毕业于音乐学院(小提琴),并与专业的乐团和交响乐团合作演奏过。


Inventing the Future: Supremacy of Control & Decision Making Systems





地址:北京中关村东路95号 智能化大厦三层 第三会议室



This talk is aimed at demonstrating the power of the feedback and its underpinning theory in creating the numerous artifacts that our societies want and often need. It will highlight the enabling nature of Control Systems Theory which often looks ahead not just by shaping but, inventing the future indeed. 

The Hsue-Shen Tsien International Distinguished Scientists Lecture Series is a great opportunity to reflect on a synergy between Control Systems and Artificial Intelligence and perceive them as the two essential and mutually complementary ingredients of almost each intelligent system and underpinning engineering cybernetics.


Professor Emeritus Ljubo Vlacic is with Griffith University's Institute for Integrated & Intelligent Systems. He is a control systems scientist and practitioner, renowned for his contributions to co-operative driverless vehicles and intelligent control systems research and development. His research achievements made news headlines and were broadcast through media outlets throughout the world. He has held a number of leading roles in both industry and academia. In recognitions of his achievements, he received 19 awards including the IEE Achievement Medal (World-wide), Sir Lionel Hooke Award, Queensland Professional Engineer of the Year Award and the Gold Coast Business Events Ambassador Award. He hosted 10 national and international scientific conferences. Currently, he is: (i) Editor-in-Chief, IEEE-Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine; (ii) Chair of the Board, Engineers Australia – ITEE College; (iii) Chair, IET Network Queensland; and (iv) General Chair, the 2019 IEEE - Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference ITSC2019. He also graduated from the Conservatorium of Music (Violin) and has played with professional philharmonic and symphony orchestras.




